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W domu dorasta od 1,5 do 2 metrów wysokości i nie zakwita. Radermachera sinica est l'espèce la plus couramment commercialisée et présente dans nos intérieurs. Dans son habitat naturel, les régions montagneuses de Taïwan et du sud de la Chine, cet arbre souvent appelé arbre serpent, ou arbre émeraude , peut s'élever jusqu'à 10 m de haut offrant une écorce grise, rugueuse et filamenteuse. Radermachera sinica A China Doll Plant is a very fast growing plant with lacy-looking, glossy, green foliage that is native to the subtropical mountain regions of southern China and Taiwan. China Doll plants appear very compact and sturdy when you first buy them because of the growth regulators given to them by growers. Radermachera sinica komt ook uit dergelijke verre streken.

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China Doll is one of my favorite house plants. China Dolls need bright indirect light and medium water. Please expect that your plant looses dirt during the shipping process. This is ok because Radermachera (Radermachera) je rod dřevin z čeledi trubačovité (Bignoniaceae). Jsou to stromy se složenými listy a nápadnými zvonkovitými až talířovitými květy. Rod zahrnuje 16 druhů a je rozšířen v tropické Asii. Rademarchera čínská je pěstována jako pokojová rostlina.

Common name(s): China Doll, Serpent or Emerald Tree Synonyme(s): N/A Family: Bignoniaceae Origin: tropical and subtropical Asia More infos: can reach up to 10 m in height. Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet der Zimmeresche (Radermachera sinica) liegt in Ostasien. Kleine Exemplare eignen sich für die Fensterbank, ausgewachsene be CHINA DOLL.

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View gallery. This tree was chewed on by my cats as a house plant. Died back and the container was set outside Radermachera sinica “The prevalence of gastrointestinal illness after poinsettia ingestion in cats and dogs appears to be similar to that associated with Radermachera sinica A China Doll Plant is a very fast growing plant with lacy-looking, glossy, green foliage that is native to the subtropical mountain regions of southern China and Taiwan.

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Radermachera sinica cats

This Radermachera sinica is originally derived from the tropical forests of China and Taiwan. They become quite large plants in the (sub) tropical regions of the world and are used as a decorative plant in public places, this tree can be 30 meters high. In temperate climates the Radermachera sinica is a very popular houseplant. The lush glossy deep green foliage has larger and somewhat lighter green leaflets than Radermachera sinica.

So it might go on the (huge) 'may cause cats to vomit' list. April 24, 2009 at 7:08 AM Radermachera Zoll. & Moritzi – china doll Species: Radermachera sinica (Hance) Hemsl. – china doll Subordinate Taxa.
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Familj: Bigoniaceae. Vetenskapligt namn: Radermachera sinica. Populärnamn: Rumsask Solution: Give Radermachera Sinica plenty of sun, but avoid exposure. 7.
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Radermachera Sinica / China Doll Plant / Serpent Fern Tree $ 69.85 $ 49.95. With their dark, glossy, lace-like leaves and compact shape, China Doll Plants make attractive additions to any home. In stock at 2 feet tall, grow to 4′ – 6′ tall.

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Radermachera, Arbre serp: Radermachera sinica Catàleg: 0179-08-17 Característiques: Alçària: 14 m Volt de canó a 1, 2 m. Capçada (diàmetre): 10 m. Radermachera sinica. Rumsask är en krukväxt som helst ska stå på ljus plats, men inte i direkt sol. Om växten trivs kan den bli relativt stor med tiden. Regelbunden gödning under växtsäsongen.

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Vem conhecê-la! Media in category "Radermachera sinica" The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total. Radermachera sinica - "China Doll tree" (3 photos) (4400613119).jpg 1,024 × 768; 259 KB Radermachera sinica, commonly called China doll, serpent tree or emerald tree, is a broad-leaved evergreen tree that is native to subtropical mountain areas of southern China and Taiwan. 2021-04-14 · Le radermachéra (radermachera sinica) pousse en Asie, plus précisément dans les montagnes du sud de la Chine (sinica signifiant d'ailleurs Chine) et dans celles de Taiwan. De culture assez facile, le radermachera sinica, ou arbre serpent, s'épanouira sous couvert de respecter certaines règles d'or parmi lesquelles le bon emplacement, une terre de qualité ou encore un arrosage régulier Se hela listan på Die Zimmeresche (Radermachera sinica) zählt zur Familie der Trompetenbaumgewächse (Bignoniaceae) und stammt aus Ostasien, wo sie unter anderem in China, Taiwan und Indien heimisch ist. In ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum kann sie mehrere Meter hoch werden, im Topf oder Kübel bleibt sie aber kleiner. Radermachera (frasin de apartament) – Radermachera sinica – Acest mic arbust cu port erect, din familia Bignoniaceelor, se numeşte Stereospermum sinicum.

Evergreen   Radermachera sinica China Doll is a compact tree that makes a wonderful long lasting houseplant.